3 Microwave Recipes Perfect for Making a Quick and Easy Meal

It’s no secret. Our days fly by faster than ever before.

The demands of your job, household chores, the needs of your children, etc., all get in the way of having some much-needed time to yourself. Heck, much of the time, you can’t even fit in time to make yourself a meal.

A recent study has shown that half of Americans skip breakfast at least once a week. Of the people that do eat breakfast, nearly half of them get their food from a fast food joint or a coffee shop. This is simply not a status quo we can abide by, not when we have microwaves out our disposal!

Here are 3 quick microwave recipes to utilize when you just don’t have time to cook a full meal.

Easy Microwaveable Breakfast Sandwiches

This recipe can make up to 5 sandwiches in minutes. Here’s what you need to do:

On a big plate, place two sausage patties and two slices of ham in a circular formation. Then, take a big coffee mug and crack five eggs into it, adding salt, pepper, and a dash of milk and stir to combine. Then place the mug in the center of the plate. Microwave for about two minutes, or until the egg is cooked through.

After that, remove the plate and microwave a separate plate with two slices of bacon, split in half and microwave for 4-7 minutes.

While the bacon cooks, remove your egg from your mug and cut the egg-cylinder into 5 equal puck-shaped parts.

Then, once the bacon is done, assemble your ingredients between the bread of your choosing – English muffins, wheat bread, whatever you’d like. You can wrap what you don’t eat in paper towel and freeze them for them for a different day.

All you have to do is microwave them again for 2-3 minutes.


Mugs are your best friend when it comes to microwave recipes. They’re like little dutch ovens. With this one, we’ll be making pizza!

Here are the instructions:

In the bottom of a big mug, add 1/4th cup of flour with a 1/8th teaspoon of baking powder and a 1/16th teaspoon of baking soda. Stir to combine.

Then, add a pinch of salt, one tablespoon of neutral oil, three tablespoons of milk and, stir this in with your flour until it becomes dough like.

On top of the dough, spread a hearty layer of tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and whatever toppings you’d like. Olives, mini pepperonis, and jalape?os are good choices.

Once assembled, all you have to do is microwave for two minutes and enjoy! It’s as simple as that. The invention of the microwave was glorious.

Super Easy Molten Lava Cake

If you feel like whipping up desert but can’t commit the time this microwave recipe is for you.

Here’s how it works:

In a gallon-sized Ziploc bag, mix together a box of Angel Food cake mix and a box of chocolate cake mix.

Then, lightly coat a big coffee mug with nonstick spray, and add three tablespoons of cake mix and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir together until completely mixed.

After that, push three chocolate squares (Ghiradelli is my preference) into the center of your batter. Try to keep them as close together as possible.

Lastly, microwave your concoction for 1 minute and eat your delicious laval cake right out of the mug!

Want More Microwave Recipes?

If these recipes don’t satiate your appetite, check out the other posts on our blog, like how to cook a perfect bake potato in the microwave.

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